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Bett Awards 2022 Finalist for Assessment, Planning & Progress Monitoring: Gradescope by Turnitin

Gradescope by Turnitin is recognised for helping educators make informed decisions that improve learning outcomes.


The Bett Awards announced Gradescope by Turnitin as a 2022 Finalist for Assessment, Planning & Progress Monitoring. This is Turnitin’s second honour at the Bett Awards; Turnitin was previously honoured in 2020 as a Higher Education or Further Education Digital Services Finalist.

The Bett Awards—the annual EdTech awards program for the nearly four-decade-standing Bett Show and produced in association with Besa —recognises innovative and impactful education technology solutions. The Assessment, Planning & Progress Monitoring award category celebrates digital software tools and online services that advance educator decision making and pedagogy by providing course, class, and student performance data, management, and analysis to improve student learning outcomes across primary, secondary, higher, and further education.

Gradescope helps educators build, administer, organise, grade, and report on assessments and assignments in any course modality— in-person, remote, and hybrid—of all answer lengths and types (paragraphs, diagrams, multiple choice, etc.), from all subject areas. A study from Gradescope showed that the platform can cut traditional grading time in half . It also promotes fair evaluation by anonymising student identifiers in submitted work. Most notably, Gradescope digitises paper-based and handwritten work which helps classrooms with limited access to technology experience similar benefits in course management and performance analysis to technologically advanced classrooms. Because of these features, Gradescope stands by itself as an assessment platform, or it works into the established process and educators can use their existing content or even build new materials in the platform.

Gradescope was selected as the 2022 The Bett Awards Finalist for Assessment, Planning & Progress Monitoring for its high marks in the following criteria, where applicable: distinction and innovation, fit for purpose, parental accessibility and engagement, inclusivity, digital accessibility and usability, GDPR compliance, online safety, breadth of evidence and research, customer support, value for money, and environmental sustainability.

“At Turnitin, we recognise that we are only a support tool and that the real work, the real student learning is driven by inspiring educators,” says Turnitin EMEA Product Success Manager Jamie Whitehead. “We recognise the importance of educators’ work to advance society and also the growing number of challenges that they face. EdTech is only one small piece of the solution to eliminating the challenges educators face, but Turnitin is working to be part of the solution.”

“This Bett title is a great honour, and being named now, in the midst of some of the most challenging years we have ever seen—makes it even more poignant. With this, we have a sense of validation that Turnitin is innovating in the right direction. That we are tangibly helping educators and students continue teaching and learning despite the challenges they face.”

Globally, to date, 624 million questions have been graded through the platform. Further, more than 110,000 educators and 2.7 million students from 2,600 institutions have used Gradescope to maximise learning from assessments.

See The Bett Awards official announcement .

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About Turnitin

Turnitin is a global company dedicated to ensuring the integrity of education and meaningfully improving learning outcomes. For 25 years, Turnitin has partnered with educational institutions to promote honesty, consistency, and fairness across all subject areas and assessment types. Turnitin products are used by educational institutions and certification and licensing programs to uphold integrity and increase learning performance, and by students and professionals to do their best, original work.

Turnitin has offices in Australia, Germany, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, The United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Over 16,000 academic institutions, publishers, and corporations use Turnitin services: Gradescope by Turnitin, iThenticate, Turnitin Feedback Studio, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, ExamSoft by Turnitin, ProctorExam, and Ouriginal.