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Source credibility suggested lesson sequencing guide

This downloadable PDF provides a suggested lesson sequence for educators interested in integrating Turnitin's Source Credibility Pack.

Kristin Van Gompel, Ed.D.
Kristin Van Gompel, Ed.D.
Senior Instructional Innovations Specialist
Teaching and Learning Innovations Team

In our efforts to help educators teach students strategies for evaluating the credibility of sources, we recently released the Source credibility pack , which contains over thirty classroom-ready files to be used and adapted for middle school, high school, and higher education classrooms.

These resources are designed around the Source credibility guide , which proposes a six-step process for evaluating the credibility of sources. Each step in the process is organized as a lesson with corresponding practice activities. Example resources include an educator guide, lessons (videos and slides), practice hand-outs, pre/post assessments, and a rubric trait.

While some educators may decide to only access a few resources to target instructional or intervention needs, others may decide to integrate the source credibility resources as a comprehensive unit. The downloadable PDF below provides a suggested lesson sequence for educators interested in integrating these resources as a unit.